Journal of English Educators Society

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    Implementing Question and Answer Technique to Enhance Students’ Speaking Ability at SMP Islam Paramitha Malang
    (2016) Adi Adi
    Speaking is one of language skills which has to be mastered by the students. By being able to speak, students will be able to transfer their thought to others. Unfortunately, sometimes students, at SMP Islam Paramitha especially, failed to utter their idea in spoken manner due to several factors as lack of vocabulary, not knowing what and how to say the ideas, and mostly feeling unconfident. This problem  cannot be neglected; therefore, the researcher decided to carry out a two-cycle Classroom Action Research (CAR). In This CAR the researcher implemented question and answer technique to improve students’ speaking ability on expressing their daily activities. By using observation sheets, interview guide, and test, it was found that 70% of the students had been successfully improving their speaking ability. As a result, the intended spoken communication, either between students and students or teacher and students, did take place.
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    Using podcast for EFL students in language learning
    (2020) Dyan Indahsari
    One of the popular products of technology created to support language learning is podcast. As a digital recording, podcast can be used to support English language learning, specifically on the listening skill. This study reviews the effects of using podcast in supporting language learning. The aim of this study is to introduce podcast as a tool for developing language skill. Podcast as a tool has the power to motivate students in learning English. This study reviewed 20 articles published around 2020-2010 to find the effects of using podcast in teaching English to EFL students. The result of this study showed that podcast can increase language ability, especially the listening skill. Furthermore, podcast can motivate students in learning language. Teachers are recommended to use podcast as an interesting technological tool to support language learning for Indonesian students. The students confirmed that podcast is fascinating when it is used in the learning of listening skill. Podcast is a potential choice as an English learning support and it allows teachers to incorporate technology in teaching. It is important to note that the intention is not to replace teacher’s presence with podcast. Therefore, it is suggested that in using podcast teachers should provide proper guidance for their students on how get its full potential. HIGHLIGHTS: Podcasts can be alternative media to foster innovation in English Language Teaching. Integrating podcast into the related curriculum and syllabi to support listening class helps provide more contextual and communicative materials.