The Role Of Mediators In The Sidoarjo Reigious Court In Minimizing The Number Of Divorce Cases: Peran Mediator Di Pengadila Agama Sidoarjo Dalam Meminimalisir Jumlah Kasus Perceraian

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In 2020, there were 6034 divorce cases in disidoarjo. This number, increased compared to previous years. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the role of mediators in the Sidoarjo religious court in minimizing the number of divorce cases. method uses normative. The results showed of mediators in sidoarjo religious courts was less than optimal. The suboptimal was caused by the lack of the number of mediators. Where the number of mediators is only 5 while the number of cases handled reaches thousands. In 2022, in July alone there were 91 divorce cases that were successfully mediated, only the remaining 4 were unsuccessfully mediated, and in August there were 80 cases that were successfully mediated, only the remaining 4 were unsuccessfully mediated. The benefits of this research can be used by the Sidoarjo Religious Court to increase the number of its mediators in an effort to effectively mediate.
Divorce, Marriage, Normative Juridical, Mediation