BUMDes Policy in Supporting Village Economic Independence Through the Development of the Sambibulu Tourism Village at Sidoarjo: Kebijakan BUMDes dalam Mendukung Kemandirian Ekonomi Desa Melalui Pengembangan Desa Wisata Sambibulu di Sidoarjo

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This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Sambimadu BUMDes Policy in support village economic independence through the development of Tourism Villages. This research Qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is qualitative data, namely divided into primary data and secondary data. Implement BUMDes policies in development Tourism Village is the focus of this research. Sources of data obtained through Library Studies are available online and offline, such as scientific journals, books, and news from trusted sources. Results shows the implementation of BUMDes policies through the development of the Sambibulu Tourism Village has not been fully successful, this is due Incompetent Sambimadu BUMDes Human Resources. And they don't fully understand BUMDes policies in developing tourism villages related to them cognitive abilities. On the one hand, there is good communication support between villages Government and BUMDes Sambimadu in the BUMDes Policy Implementation process.
Policy Implementation, Tourism Villages, BUMDes