Implementation Of The People's Service System In Sidoarjo (Sipraja) As A Public Service Innovation In The Village Government: Implementasi Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo ( Sipraja ) Sebagai Inovasi Pelayanan Publik di Pemerintah Desa

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The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the Implementation of the Sidoarjo People's Service System (Sipraja) as a Public Service Innovation in the Grabagan Village Government, Tulangan District, Sidoarjo Regency. This research has used a qualitative descriptive method.  The implementation of the Sipraja System as a Public Service Innovation in the Grabagan Village Government is the focus of this research.  The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Sipraja as a Public Service Innovation in the Grabagan Village Government is considered to be still lacking in socialization carried out by Village officials and Human Resources also often face challenges such as handling stacked files, uneven distribution of tasks and so on. So the implementation of the Sidoarjo (Sipraja) People's Service System as a Public Service Innovation in the Grabagan Village Government is still less effective and maximal.
Public Service, Innovation, Sipraja