Introduction to Coursebook Linguistics & Literature

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
All praise and gratitude be offered by us upon Allah swt. The Most Glorified and Most High, due to His graces and bounties that this coursebook of Introduction to Linguistics & Literature was able to get properly completed without any significant impediments. May shalawat and salaam will always be conveyed by us, upon our revered prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The authors would love to deliver the thankfulness upon: 1. Dr. Akhtim Wahyuni, M.Ag., the Dean of Psychology and Education Science Faculty, who gave her guidance and motivations towards the authors in accomplishing this book.2. Yuli Astutik, M.Pd., the Chairwoman of English Education Study Program, who provided her support in drafting this book. 3. Fellow supporting lecturers of introduction to Linguistics and Literature course, in English Education Study Program, who have shared their experiences in delivering the course. Suggestion and critics are genuinely expected in attempt to create a better coursebook of Introduction to Linguistics and Literature, which is in accord with the stipulated mandate.
Linguistics, Literature, Coursebook