Models of Formation and Improvement of Media Competence of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions

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Samarkand branch of TUIT
In this article are described the models of formation and improvement of the media competence of teachers of educational institutions, the requirements placed on them and the emerging problems. The mentioned TPACK, SAMR, RAT, TPCK and ACOT models are selected and their main features are studied. As a result, a model of formation and improvement of media competence among teachers of higher educational institutions in our country is proposed. Also, in the article are presented views in the form of problems in this direction and their solutions.
Ushbu maqolada ta’lim muassasalari o‘qituvchilarining mediakompetentligini shakllantirish va oshirish modellari, ularga qo‘yilgan talablar hamda yuzaga kelayotgan muammolar yoritilgan. Keltirilgan TPACK, SAMR, RAT, TPCK va ACOT modellari tanlov asosida olinib, asosiy xususiyatlari o‘rganildi. Natijada, mamlakatimizda oliy ta’lim muassasasi o‘qituvchilarida mediakompetentlikni shakllantirish va oshirish modeli taklif etildi. Shuningdek, maqolada ushbu yo‘nalishdagi muammolar va ularning yechimlari ko‘rinishidagi qarashlar keltirildi.
Media competence, digital technologies, pedagogical skills, TPACK, SAMR, RAT, TPCK, ACOT, content, innovation, Mediakompetentlik, raqamli texnologiyalar, pedagogik mahorat, TPACK, SAMR, RAT, TPCK, ACOT, kontent, innovatsiya